Hello there!

It’s been ages since I even opened this page. My second attempt at blogging. Somewhere along the line I got addicted to Twitter. And it seems we are all back to square. With Musk ruining Twitter, and the sharing of sub-stack links on Twitter itself, it seems we have come a full circle.

But what prompted me to visit this website was a message from my brother. He had found an unfinished draft of a story about my commissioning sojourns along with his old documents, and had messaged me to ask whether I had the completed story. While I doubted it, the only place to check was here and I am back here.

The last time I wrote something on this website, I had just been to Berlin. I had not yet known the existence of the person whom I would start talking with in a few weeks, whom I would eventually marry and who is sleeping beside me as I type away at this late hour. And yes she will be happy to know that I am attempting to blog again.

I was back in Berlin last month. I didn’t get to board a double decker. I am older now, though neither wiser nor stronger. Most of my post on this blog were written when I was doing my masters. Now I am back to studies, albeit of the research kind- doing my PhD in robotics in the same state of NRW but from a different university – Bonn. In a sense, life has come full circle.

Maybe I will overcome my slothiness and keep writing more. Oder “plus les choses changent plus elles restent les mêmes”

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